SANS 241 – Check and Compare

SANS 241

Physical and Aesthetic determinands

Determinand Units Lab Value Operational Aesthetic Chronic Acute Comment
Colour mg/l Pt-Co 15
Conductivity mS/m 170
TDS mg/l 1200
Turbidity NTU 1 5
pH at 25 oC pH units ≥ 5 to ≤ 9.7
Langelier Index Units -1 to 1
Hardness mg/l CaCO 3
Alkalinity mg/l CaCO3 150
Total Organic Carbon mg/l 10
Nitrate mg/l 11
Nitrite mg/l 0.9
Nitrate + Nitrite mg/l 1
Sulphate mg/l 250 500
Flouride mg/l 1.5
Ammonia mg/l 1.5
Chloride mg/l 300
Sodium mg/l 200
Iron as Fe µg/l 300 2000
Manganese µg/l 100 400

Lab Ref:

Lab Ref: Description: Date:
Determinand Units Lab Value Operational Limit Aesthetic Limit Chronic Health Acute Health Comment
Colour mg/l Pt-Co 15
Conductivity mS/m 170
TDS mg/l 1200
Turbidity NTU 1 5
pH at 25 oC pH units ≥ 5 to ≤ 9.7
Langelier Index Units -1 to 1
Hardness mg/l CaCO 3
Alkalinity mg/l as CaCO3 150
Total Organic Carbon mg/l 10
Nitrate mg/l 11
Nitrite mg/l 0.9
Nitrate + Nitrite mg/l 1
Sulphate mg/l 250 500
Flouride mg/l 1.5
Ammonia mg/l 1.5
Chloride mg/l 300
Sodium mg/l 200
Iron as Fe µg/l 300 2000
Manganese µg/l 100 400