Hydrossis Process

H.Hydrossis is a filamentous bacterium that is found in biological nutrient removal sewage treatment plants. It is a facultative aerobe which means that it uses oxygen or nitrate as an electron donor in the COD reduction process. How this all happens is a complete mystery to most. Suffice to say there are biochemists out there who understand the mechanisms of cellular activity. All we need to do is ensure that Hydrossis has enough air and enough nitrates.

To honour this bacterium, HWT has named their MLE/SBR hybrid the Hydrossis Process. As the description implies, the process combines the advantages of the tried and tested Modified Ludzack-Ettinger configuration with a sequencing batch reactor.

The Hydrossis Process is innovative and energy efficient. Key to sewage treatment is the mimicking of natural systems in an engineered environment. Every good process engineer knows that nature hates to rush. The Hydrossis process maximizes reactor activity in both aeration and anoxic conditions. By combining smart advances in process control and sensible choice of mechanical equipment, the Hydrossis Process ensures continous and reliable service.

This is not a one sock that fits all sizes process. It is a size 3. For applications where the General Limit is required, the Hydrossis Process is perfect.

From the Windmills at Wijk bij Duurstede, by Jacob Isaacksz van Ruisdael (1668-1670). Not very far away from Oss in the Netherlands